Ground-breaking discovery!!! Researchers from the USTFU have concluded that the Mauritian Pyramids are of extraterrestrial origin!
Located in the plain called Magnien, these pyramids were always considered to be merely stone piles, thrown together in efforts to clear the fields for growing sugar cane.
However, after noticing a peculiar similarity with the Egyptian pyramids, US scientists decided to conduct a thorough on-site investigation.
Using a state-of-the-art military tool called Google Earth, they soon stumbled across an obstacle – the satellite pictures for the pyramids were always hidden by clouds…
Finally, they decide to plot the exact locations of the pyramids using GPS… from which they got this:
The exact layout of a spaceship!
Furthermore, locals have corroborated this theory by claiming frequent sightings of a large cylindrical shaped object in the sky... which in layman terms is a UFO.
Carbon dating of the rocks determined the date to be… in the future, 20,000 years from now. This last foolproof evidence has led to the unprecedented conclusion that the Mauritian Pyramids were in fact landing pads for a civilization coming from beyond Earth. Martian Pyramids!
It also perfectly explains the extinction of the Dodos – abducted by aliens for their experiments. & the continued presence of the secret Diego Garcia military base used for monitoring the aliens. To some lesser extent, climate change can be attributed to frequent visits of the alien spaceships, their powerful engines heating up the Earth's atmosphere!
One more thing... have you read Tintin - Flight 714 to Sydney? You probably never noticed that "the names/locations have been changed to protect the ignorant." That's because the original location of the island was Mauritius.
Further research is still being conducted to find out if the alien civilization left any useful artifacts for travelling through space & time…
Baffled by this cock and bull story? Well, check this article & you’ll know why:
Seven pyramids identified on the African island of Mauritius
Come on, these are just rock piles!!! Amazing how some people add 1 & 1 and get... 11!!!
Shared by @jeyoung & this post is inspired from This is a call from @sachindb
"Pyramid" photos belong to © Stéphane Mussard.
Sept pyramides ont existé à Maurice
Week-End reported it… without mentioning whether it’s true or not. :)
Update 2:
Myth finally debunked. There is no pyramid in Mauritius with links to Ancient Civilizations - Greeks, Phoenicians, Chinese or Neanderthals. The seven pyramids of Mauritius article is pure fiction, the figment of a very vivid imagination, the delirious phantasm of a conspiracy theorist supported by fantastical sophisms.
Here’s the article published by L’Express Dimanche 19 April 2009:
Pyramides à Maurice
une invention pharaonique« Poisson d'avril ou théorie farfelue… Nos spécialistes tranchent. Le 29 mars dernier, Antoine Gigal, auteure et journaliste spécialiste de l'Egypte, affirme que les tas de pierre situés dans les champs de cannes de Plaine- Magnien sont des pyramides datant des Pharaons. Une révélation qui aurait pu bouleverser notre histoire, si ces « pyramides » n'avaient pas, en réalité, été construites en 1944.
« En 1944, la compagnie sucriére Mon-Trésor-Mon-Désert (MTMD), a acheté Union Vale et épuré des terrains. C’est à ce moment- là que l’on a entassé des pierres en forme de pyramides. L’histoire est aussi simple que cela » , déclare Guy Rouillard, historien et écrivain.
Le mystére des pyramides est donc résolu et les « Pharaons » n’y sont pour rien. Mais de son côté, Antoine Gigal n’en démord pas, et selon elle, les « pyramides » mauriciennes sont beaucoup plus anciennes.
Une théorie pour laquelle la jeune femme n’a pas de véritables preuves, si ce n’est que « les pyramides mauriciennes ont des angles droits parfaits et qu’elles sont identiques aux pyramides de Tenerife. » Pour les historiens mauriciens, pas de doute, ces tas de pierre n’ont rien d’extraordinaire.
« Au fur et à mesure que l’on a défriché les terrains pour la culture de la canne, on s’est retrouvé face à des tas de pierre.
On les a rangé selon leur quantité » , explique Yvan Martial, journaliste et historien.
« Par exemple, dans le Nord, on en a fait des murettes, dans certains endroits, on a construit des rangées de pierres, puis cultivé une rangé de canne et ainsi de suite. Enfin, dans d’autres champs, on les a empilées sous formes de meules et c’est le cas à Plaine-Magnien » . Un fait appuyé par un représentant de la propriété MTMD : « A une époque on pouvait voir beaucoup de ‘ pyramides ’ de ce genre à Maurice, mais il a fallu s’en défaire avec la mécanisation. On en a gardé quelques- unes aujourd’hui » . Il poursuit : « L’auteur de ce papier l’a publié le 29 mars, quelques jours avant le 1er avril.
Personnellement, je pense que l’on est face à un canular. Il ne peut en être autrement. »
« Méprise quant au couché du soleil »
Mais Antoine Gigal, persiste et signe : « On dit que ces pierres sont le résultat des déblayages de terrain, mais on n’a pas pu faire des tas de pierre aussi parfaits simplement pour les empiler. Les personnes qui les ont faits, avaient une raison de faire des angles droits aussi parfaits. » Dans sa théorie, la spécialiste de l’Egypte soutient que l’histoire de Maurice ne débute pas en 1507 avec la découverte de l’île par les Portugais, mais bien avant.
Un fait que réfutent, une fois de plus, nos historiens. « L’histoire de Maurice c’est un no man’s land. Dans les temps anciens, des civilisations ont visité la côte d’Afrique et l’océan Indien, mais nous n’avons pas la preuve qu’ils se soient arrêtés à Maurice.
Les premiers à débarquer sur l’île sont les Portugais en 1507 » , précise Santyendra Peerthum, historien.
Yvan Martial, rappelle que Maurice était avant tout une forêt impénétrable.
Il explique que notre île était à l’époque envahie par des arbres . Alors « comment
auraient- ils pu construire de telles structures ? Il y a une méprise quant au couché du soleil. Dans cet article, l’auteur explique que ces pyramides permettaient à ces civilisations anciennes d’observer le couché du soleil derriére la Montagne du Lion. Mais ce dernier se couche derriére le Morne. » Une bourde d’Antoine Gigal, qui aurait pu être évitée avec des visites plus récentes à Maurice. En effet, cette derniére a construit toute sa théorie en observant les « pyramides » non pas sur place, mais par l’intermédiaire de films et de photographies vues du ciel.
Si la journaliste explique être déjà venue à Maurice… c’était il y a bien longtemps déjà : « Je ne suis pas venue cette fois. C’est un de mes jeunes collaborateurs, lui- même Mauricien, qui a photographié les pyramides, et qui me les a montrées. Je suis venue à Maurice trois fois, il y a longtemps, avec mes parents. Lorsque j’étais petite. »
English Translation
Update 3:
Here's part II of this story: The Mauritian Pyramids II: More Than Meets The Eye
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Well, I'll be damned! This is so true, it also explains the Pink Pigeon as well as this weird plain called Wilhems. Always thought this was weird.
LOL...Great Creativity... :P
Extinction of the dodo by UFO... LMAO
lol! Much ado about nothing I'd say... :P
Now, do you believe me?! I've been asking people of the World to help me get back to my ship which locked me out after I had a genetic transfer (apparently your species cannot release saliva when kissing)
My ship is cloaked and orbiting the moon. I'm stranded.
Help me - I just need another ship to get close enough to activate another point of entry. Help me, human.
No worry, I'm contacting SGC. Keep your alien-equivalent-of-fingers crossed. :P
bwaahahaha...carbon dating for the future...nice try
i wonder if they've kept the dodo kabab recipe....
I was really believing all of this until "Carbon dating of the rocks determined the date to be… in the future, 20,000 years ".. thats a bit to obvious... you cnt do carbon dating for future things..
anyways.. Dr Daniel Jackson(SGC) had a theory, according to which Alien Spaceships used pyramids to land.
He is the right person to analyse these stuff..
@carrot, are you sure these are in the plaine williem district? I think its in Savanne..
It's probable they invented the kebab recipe! ;)
It's actually in the plain called Magnien. :D
Hahaha yea read that article when sachin send the link. Really man.... they are fooling us Mauritians lol. Pyramids :P By the way nice way you tell this story...had me laughing at the monitor lol :D
Hey a giant alien skeleton has been dscovered here
LOL... :P
@Shah: ""apparently your species cannot release saliva when kissing"" ROFL ahahahaha :P
No worry North Korea will put you in their next launch to the moon :P
@Sun: Its near airport... Grand Port District i guess. When I was a kid I used to pass that road everyday...and they used to burn things...i guess after they remove the sugar cane they burn the dries and residue in that. Nit sure but used to see smoke...I always thought an helicopter in fer accident lol. :P
ROTFLMAO ... the article was published a few days before the 1st of April though :P clearly a prank :P
@ThisDiscovery : LOL!
This explains lot of things!
For example,
(1)we are always damn in hedging, since our ancestors, the aliens did not use petrol!
(2) The huge statue of SSR was in fact part of the alien setup, I wonder where it is right now!
(3) Construction of the Shiv Statue at GBassin. (Do you think that they recycled the SSR into Shiv?)
I guess the SGC 'doors' will be the Monument 2000 (Near LaVigie) and the Digital Gateway(Port Louis)!
Btw, I recently discovered this Digital Gateway, anybody heard about this one?
Had to delete your previous comment since it messed up the template. :S
Actually, I think the author really believes in what he/she writes. Check out the other posts! They're all unbelievable! :D
TVR!!! Hahaha
Yeah, that Wooton monument is indeed a Stargate!!! :P
What Digital Gateway???
@carrotmadman6 yeah ok ... it was just some HAHA... that never ended :P I really had a good laugh :) I cannot conceive that someone really believed in this
asterr zot p decouvert sa???
ever since i was kid, i was making lots of theories about that!!!
moi et mo camrad roushdat osi inn bien fer tou kalitE theory lor la!
Trop bon ou dois-je dire trop lol les enfants, well, my curiosity ws kinda prickd 4 a while seeing thoz pics as I really wntd 2 knw if there ws any reason 4 da structures of da so-called 2 ma heartieast laugh it ws a praise-worthy historical,science-fi peops can be so creative @ times...hats off 2 U bloggers :P
Yashvin blogged about the Digital Gateway Monument in Mauritius -
hahahaha i cna't seem to laugh at that
"Carbon dating of the rocks determined the date to be… in the future, 20,000 years from now"
you have a lot of imagination and creativity!!! keep it up man!
Ahaha ROLFLMAO WLOL WHAT MORE?? ahahah will read it again later too much rofling pff!
Wow! Whut an imagination!! Too good!!
"Using a state-of-the-art military tool called Google Earth"
It reminds me of a South Park episode - 'The Snuke' where they use google earth to track down terrorists.
This smells like plagiarism: It's been posted today.
Yeah, noticed it this morning. They copied it without linking to the source. :|
The layout of the spaceship looks like a penis! Lol!!!
BTW, the spaceship in the last picture is that of Independence Day movie right?
Oh, btw, is this post original? I've seen on the kotzot website that there are more pictures than in here. And the images were taken by Stéphane Mussard.
Yep, that's Independence Day. :)
Yes, this post is original.
Whereas Kotzot copied the pyramid post & the pics without crediting the original authors. o_O
Alien... lol :D ! WAW !!! Oh no, don't tell me those pyramids will take off one day !
aliens?? no i dnt believe. but pyramids of mauritius..YEA I DO BELIVE..SIMPLY ZEY ARE LIKE EGYPTIANS ONE AND Y not...zey must have come to built it here...coz its the paradise island man..... aliens are welcome here....for some vacations man...our hotel gona be 100% financial crisis lol....tourism booming.... weheheh hey sure zey r pyramids....we must be proud of dat...zey may hav used it for space observatory or smthg..but not aliens..surely not. we must deny these anciant civilisation had advanced technologies. we hav proofs its enought. its just another place to explore. scientifi research must be done.... hey z form of the ufo..hahaha..i cant say more.....hahahhahahaaa..ooooooooooohh....
In conclusion it is a nice story for the tourist guides to wrap up their guests with a big question mark?
Given how the media/blogs have been repeating this "ancient pyramid" story... it's my turn to have a big question mark ?
What if this was true? o_O
Myth debunked. Pyramids were built in 1944. Post updated. :)
ahh...I think the Area 51 guys...
this is so normal to me, as am a UFO hunter..
you can refer to these video of UFO around the world:
I also encountered UFO over Mauritius:
Looking at your video, it's hard to distinguish anything. Just the flickering lights. Could be a plane or a meteors or... a UFO. :)
I am totally convince that it can't be a plane nor a meteor.
If it was a meteor, the would have been a trailing effect. But guess. The was none. Meteor go at high speed (not velocity)
If it was a plane (even a F-22), the light would be blinking.
The luminous intensity of that 'object' was consistent throughout it path.It was moving even slower than a plane.
The path of the object was linear.
If you would agree, we can even see at infinity. But that object just disappear like that as if it went into a vortex. I would even say that it confirms the time paradox principle which is only true theoretically.
Your point of view on this topic is most welcome.
Also my friend of Dreamland Resort( Area-51 told me that they also encountered this type of UFO...
A similar type was seen in England..
I'll be honest, because of the low quality of the video, I can't really give a definite opinion. I'll need
But I agree that it's very strange... :)
hello all.. im sure all of u will be suprised of what im going to tell u..
let me quote from the famous book of "WISDOM OF THE ANCIENT" by SWAMI PARAMANANDA a mauritian,a friend, and a guide to spirituality..
if u scroll to the page 11 it is mentioned that "the great pyramid is amongst the seven man-made marvels of the world. As we are making giant paces in technology and other branches of science, we may ask whether, to date, are still only seven man-made wonders or more, By the time im writing these lines, who knows somewhere a new wonder that will arouse human curiosit for centuries to come."
it is also mentioned in the book " ...It was conceived and constructed by very higly evolved beings whom you may call gods or extra-terrestrial being.They ha reached a spiritual evolution that allowed tem to do such things that would appear to be wonders and miracles for present men"..."however, strange it may sound the great pyramid was constructed as a lighthouse for spaceships"....
cheCk on
Hmmm... If the Alien has abducted all the Dodos!
Do you think they've got KFD up there? As in, Kentucky Fried Dodo???
Damm aliens, they knew Dodos tasted better than chicken and has more meat!!! LMAO ;-)
hello evry1
This is a freemansory invention to bring mauritian people to a false religion and these pyramid are use for satanic ritual...
plz be inform of that logo (with gps on top)
google it or search on youtube!!
LMAO This has been very entertaining, literally from beggining of the post to the last comment! I live near area 51 so I can sort of relate to this :P
Dear Friend !!!
Have ever Heard about "Petrusmok"?
(Book written by Visionary Writer/Painter Malcolm De Chazal)
Have u ever wonderred about the Form of Mountain "Peter Both"?
Do u know that "Piton du Milieu" is right at the Center of Mauritius?
"Mauritius was created first then Paradise".. Mark Twain
Dear friend, unfortunately I haven't come across that particular book. I'll try to look for it.
About your other 2 questions, the answer is yes. Could you please shed more light on it. :)
Dear Friend!!!
"Mauritius was created first then paradise"... Mark Twain
Mauritius the "The Paradise Island", the answer to the two question above (Janesh) lies in the book "Petrusmok".
There are Great Revelations in the Book "Petrusmok", written by the Visionary/Writer/Painter ... Malcolm de Chazal
There are many things that are due to happen in Mauritius.... & it has already started.
Please also Note:- that the Mayan Calendar stops at Year 2012
Nitin !!
I have read "MAN GOD & UNIVERSE" by Swami Paramananda, it was simply amazing, unbelievable, thought provoking, Book. If u haven't read this book I will urge u to do so.
I have seen the Book "Wisdom of the Ancient", but have never read it, as such.
There are many secrets that are still to be rediscorevered.
Some spheres in Mauritius is now comparing the Great "Sphinx" of Egypt with the "LION Mountain" of Mauritius.
There is also the Amazing/famous Spiritual Park in Mauritius, which is near Pte Lascar.
The unbeileuvable "Energy Vortex" at Surinam.( which is now internationally recognised.)
You have the almost all religions in the whole world existing in Mauritius... Almost all ethnic group in Mauritius.. Indian/Hindu/Muslim/Chinese/French/African...
Is Mauritius the Next Jerusalem?
Can the Mayan Prediction (2012)be real?
When & Where will it be "the Return of Jesus Christ"?
Dear Friends
I have been going through the writings above
Well, i am really impresses by the knowledge of some people here...
Let me also point out that Mauritius has high energetic spots. It has been clearly pointed out of the Energy Vortex at Riambel, pt lascar spiritual park, we got the grand bassin, pieter both mountain as well as corps de garde, among other points.
The existence of pyramids in Mauiritius is no coincidence.
I dont know what that swami said, but indeed pyramids are high power sources and placed for specific reasons.
The sphinx link to Lion Mountain is no coincidence ( and it is found in the region close to the pyramids)
and concerning the arrangements of the pyramids, which follow the summer and winter solsctices.
past civilisations got abundant knowldge about all these.
is it not true that Mauritius is such a country where there are vibrant energies flowinfg all throughout the year with all the people from different ethnic groups involved in spiritual practices.
Pyramids are also energy anchorers.
Pyramids all over the world has been a mystery, and so is the one in Mauritius.
Petrusmok is a well written book by Malcolm de Chazal..he explains much about the link of Mauritius to the lost continent of Lemurian..and about the mountains in Mauritius. Some designs are real megaliths.
There are lots of mysteries hovering around Mauritius..
getting a group of interested people for constructive discussions will prove to be fruitful..
if anybody is interested, please let me know, we can arrange for something...
my email is
(Spammers not allowed)
I can't miss to add concerning the 2012 phenomena. Its the date for a global ascension and i could see that Mauritius contains lot of these spots to help us for Ascension.
if u interested for such talks, dont hesitate to contact me at:
ok fine, seven pyramids, it could have been some other numbers, n the double sunset also maybe correct, relating to the sun, astronomy..the pentagon layout..which can give an indication of some kinda belief and civilisation n stuff, but dont tell me about aliens!lol! this is totally ridiculous! n there's no such evidence to have always been fascinated by science fictions, but cmon dont mix imagination with history..
the kebab of dodo was eaten by european sailors, fortunately the chicken kebab taste better than dodo kebab..the aliens are still here, they are ruling mauritius..they are waitin for the right moment to show their penis like spaceship..LMAO!!kisa US gopia la ine fer carbon dating, ki p predict years in future! wei ek kumsa letemps zot ena pou calcul penis like space ship so layout etc, ek tir ban conclusion KK..LMAO!
Deeshallet me tell u that its really fascinating talkin bout 2012 event n stuff...but the story of the end of the world was propaganding years back, n when the so called date happens to come, nothin hardly happened..its true the mayan predicted about the end of their calendar, plus Bible mentioning about the end of world, even in ved mentionin about kalyug(end of world)..lots of mythologies associated..but scientifically speaking there is a real eco disbalancement affecting the world..but mythologies can be taken as an assumptions to understand the situation.
oh in no way is 2012 the end of the world.. there are so many confusions going round that year
the mayans meant that it was the end of an old world and the emergence of a new world
catastrophes were reported to occur prior to the coming of this year, polarity shift, darkspots on the sun,magnetic fields imbalance, change in earth's f requency... all these are being seen now... earthquakes are occuring at such a great pace, tsunamis, ..
according to the new age people, it's all the emergence of the new world and the shedding away of an old world.. they say that the earth is going through a period of ascension, whereby we are moving from a 3rd dimension to a 5th dimension in the year 2012. its a rise in the planetary frequency and indeed the schuman frequency of the earth has increased... the earth has become highly active since the few years..and in such a small lapse of time, so many changes are occuring...
forget about the end of the world, and dont be too misguided by the let's c a new better world emerging :)
for sure there's a total confusion..n what mythologies have predicted cannot be ignored, koz there must be some really solid reasons ancient people have mentioned about it..If u see the natural calamities happening from the recent years then sure there is definitely a strong point from the part of mythologies, even in holy scriptures..
but sure as i said we cannot take mythologies in a scientific basis..we can make assumptions..
but scientifically speaking there is a disbalance in the eco the passage of planet X in 2012..creating a disbalance of the global climate..worth noting each earthquake happening, it reduces the days of earth..
Don`t forget brothers n sisters.The indian Ocean was long ago called Lemuria.Do research to know the truth.@ Anonymous.Sure there r many clues in the holy scriptures n in the pagan scriptures too.Did u know that we r just energy?Everything around us is just energy.Bkoz we live in a world of fractal energy all is just illusions.Our body is just the shape that the energy around us is.We r all fractal energy.Do your research on that man.The illuminati r controlling our mind so that to led us astray from the truth.they know that if we realise that we r just energy we can change the entire world.Be aware brothers n sisters. :)
The layout of the spaceship looks like a big dick to me :)
Are all those pyramids identical in their measurements?
No, they are of different size. :)
this is symbolism of illuminati in our country...The government is protecting it,the media and the press trying to hide it and telling false stories about it and even google map hiding it with clouds..This is really weird...So beware this is very dangerous for us
Mauritius has so many secrets and mystics, we have yet to discover. If we are in a conciousness and eager to know more, it be revealed. Every single things be known to everyone. Thanks to the persons who uncover a little and the rest will come out, thanks to the Universe as well. A little spark gives life to a big candle and lighten the whole. There is a reason behind everything. So, see it.
More Mysteries of Mauritius
God knws if the theory of the journalist is true or false... a couple of years ago i witnessed a strange light doing (va e vien) in the sky at first i thot it was a star... but the light made the same route 2 times, if it was a plan it can't do this. da speed was in seconds,faster zan a plan... The cordinal point was northeast.... I think we hav visitor...
Hi John, Swami Paramananda, the Fake Guru, Had sex with his disciples.
Take Sexual & money advantage with his followers.
2012, this is used by a so called swami Paramanada, Sex Scanda, & taking money from People to enrich Himself & enslaves his disciples
explajin this then, u are busy and xhausted cleaning a plain for cultivation and u have the bloody time to pile all these rocks to perfect angle...
Ufo exist.i have seen their spacecraft. They travel in fourth dimension.BHUG.
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