Yep, I was bedridden in hospital for 4 days... An unforgettable experience... because it was definitely the 4 most horrible days of my life...
As most Mauritians would know, hospitals here have a notorious reputation for cleanliness, infrastructure & equipment...
Whatever, i'm back to business... well, not really... Being cut-off from the world has its disadvantages! I'm not really looking forward to a long RSS unread list! Didn't know what happened in the tech world - there's a beta of Photoshop CS4 out, no? Being deprived from every type of communication media (no TV, radio or papers) meant i was unaware of what's happening in the real world - what's the fuss about that PRB report?
But it's far from back to normal... Actually, i had to undergo a big operation, because of which i'm confined to bed at home for at least one month... meaning no PC for me! (Alas, if only I had a laptop...)
& no blogging as well... There's no doubt blogging played a major part in sending me to hospital! Yes, that's true! So that's why i've decided to QUIT BLOGGING!
No, i'm not quitting. I'm just "pausing" it indefinitely... I may post from time to time, but my post frequency will be really very low! (2-3 posts a month?)
P.s. This post was typed from my good old mobile phone... From now on, if i'll be posting anything, then you know it's coming from my mobile... & if something big is stirring up (in Mauritius), you can bet i'll be blogging about it. :P
I'm sorry i can't continue the fight against evil Orange anymore... so no petition. :(
Please don't spam & don't swear!
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Oh sorry to hear you are ill mate! Hope it's nothing too serious! :(
Hope you get well soon. In the mean time, I'll be missing your articles and comments.
Get well soon! :)
Thanks a lot! Yep, it is serious... :|
But no worry, i'll be OK in a month! :)
& i'll find some way to post some tiny articles. :D
hey get well soon..Take care
Thanks! :P
Get well soon dude :)
Thanks :D
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